My experience in Taiwan was really amazing. It was the first time of my life that I lived outside Catalonia. I had the opportunity to finish my studies abroad and I chose the furthest option I had. I did this because I wanted something different. Thanks to trials I have traveled a lot but, at that time, never to Asia. So I decided to spend the last semester in Taipei, Taiwan. I met new people, I improved my english, I finished my studies, I learned a new culture, I tried different food and I lived in a different way than in my home.
It is an experience that I recommend to everyone. Living abroad in a so different culture makes you realise that everything you took for granted maybe it is not this way all around the world. People do things different than in your home. Things that are good in your home, here are not, and vice versa. So living abroad it opens your mind, it makes you adapt to the new situation, it makes you see things done different, it even makes you appreciate what you have at home and I think this is good for everyone.
I want to thank Marcus, Hank and Frank for showing me around as a local. The are trial riders living there that contacted me to train but we become friends, because we not only rode but we hang out and we have nice time. I have to say that without them it would have been a completely different experience in Taiwan.
During those 6 months in Taiwan, my dad came to visit me. We drove all around the island, from the coldest mountains in the middle of the island to the southernmost part, the Kenting National Park. We did almost the same when my mom, my uncle and my cousin came to visit me. We enjoy the country in all of its parts, from the new to the old, from the cities to the most country and jungle parts. We ate, we visited, we laugh, we drove, bikes, motorbikes and cars, we went with bus, with MRT, with taxi and we walked, we walked a lot, specially Taipei.
And the last days of my stay, my best friend Pau came to see me. It was really cool to have him there. I
showed what I have learned from the city and the culture of taiwanese people and then we went to Indonesia for 10 days. We went with my flatmate Carlos and one catalan friend we met in Taiwan Oriol. You can see the adventure of Indonesia down here: