TDB 4.0
It’s not just about the road rides or the distances we cover. It’s also about the shared moments of laughter, camaraderie, and the indescribable feeling that comes from being in sync with everyone who joins the plan. So simple, yet so profound, this is the essence of this road biking adventures.
TDB started with 5 friends and a cycling adventure and I got invited last year, the 3.0 version and I enjoyed so much I knew I couldn’t miss the 4.0 edition.
Every twist and turn of the road becomes an opportunity to bond. The joy of cycling together gives us life, infusing each ride with an electric energy that charges the very air we breathe
And as we enjoy in the present, we know deep down that these moments will be the ones we cherish as we grow older. They will be the memories that warm our hearts, the stories we share with nostalgic smiles, and the anecdotes we pass on to the next generation.
Our road rides are not just rides; they are chapters in the novel of our lives, written with laughter, friendship, and shared passion. They remind us that life is not merely a collection of milestones but a beautiful journey full of adventures.

DAY 1 – 124km +3.160m

If you follow this ride you can expect crazy steep parts at Pic dels Moros with some points over 22%, the view of the Cerdanya Valley at the top is worth it and the last 3km are closed to the cars, so you can enjoy the climb without worrying about the cars. After that you have a great descent and we reccomend to do a pitstop at Saillagusse before attacking the Puigmal.
Pugmal is a closed ski resort but they asphalted the last 6.5km and its a steady climb of around 6.5%. Going down you have to be carefull because the road, after those lasts 6,5km, is really dirty and its really easy to crash.
The third climb of the ride is the longest, with 14,2km and 6,8%. Its cold a the top, so we advice to take a gillet because you will stay at the top for some minutes to admire the landscape around. We arrived at the top almost at sunset and the light was really amazing. Also, be careful at the downhill, the road its really bumpy and it has some holes too.
DAY 2 – 197km +3.480m

This is the typical ride around the “Serra del Cadí” a mountain range that is part of the Pre-Pyrenees. From Puigcerdà and doing it anti-clockwise you stard going down for 40km until La Seu d’Urgell. There you will start the first climb, Coll de la Trava, 10km at 5,4%.
After that you will ride around 50km of gentle climbs and downhills with the imposing Serra del Cadí on the left, and even at some point you will see Pedraforca ( 2.506m), a very unique fork shaped mountain that is one of the most famous and emblematic mountains of Catalonia. We stop at Josa de Cadí, a very small town on the top a hill where we ate and drank and recharged the legs for what was to come.
At km 110 you will have one of the most playful downhills I ever enjoyed. We rode for some kms through a gentle road, around 1-3% and made it to La Pobla de L’illet, the last town before Coll de la Creueta, a 21km and 1.107m climb. We ate something and started the longest climb of the day. Its not crazy steep but the last 2km before and after Castellar de n’Hug and the worst ones with a stead 7-8%. Its a supernice climb though, with every pedal stroke the views get better and better. After reaching the top there’s a 25km descent to reach Puigcerda again, which is very nice to finish the almost 200km loop.
Once again it was a wonderful weekend and I only hope we can do it for a loooooong time!!!
In the videos: Pablo, Santi, Guille, Gero, Marc, Victor, Alejandro, Marcos, Oscar, Gon, Ramon, Josep, Arturo, Pablo and me 😀